Shusui Official Web Site


Shusui (周水)
ソングライター / プロデューサー
作詞家/作曲家/音楽プロデューサー/アーティストとしてミリオンヒットとなった「青春アミーゴ」(修二と彰)をはじめ、「もう君以外愛せない」(KinKi Kids)、嵐、MISIAなど数々のヒット曲を手掛ける。
自らの子育て体験や音楽の楽しさを伝えるために育音(Iku ON)プロジェクトを立ち上げ、特別支援学校を中心とした「育音ふれあいライブ」にて紙芝居や弾き語りをしながらボランティア活動を行っている。
Shusui (周水)
Songwriter / Producer
Born in Tokyo on January 30, 1976, I faced the challenge of amblyopia and an eye disability from birth. Despite these obstacles, I embarked on a journey into music at a young age, teaching myself to play the piano by ear and developing a deep connection with music.
In 1999, I made my major debut with Sony Music as a pop unit called "canna" together with vocalist Takashi Taninaka.
Following the suspending canna activities in 2003, I continued to work as a composer, traveling back and forth between Japan and overseas to collaborate with local creators, particularly in Sweden.
As a lyricist/composer/music producer/artist, I have contributed to the composition of numerous hit songs. Among these successes are million-selling hits such as "Seishun Amigo" (performed by Shuji and Akira), "Mou Kimi igai Aisenai" (by KinKi Kids), and collaborations with renowned artists such as Arashi and MISIA.
Since October 2015, I have been working as a radio DJ at BAYFM’s [Ashita no Ongaku] with singer-songwriter Yukie Sone. Additionally, I hold a position as a visiting professor at Tokyo College of Music, where I am also working to nurture and educate future generations of musicians.
Recently, I launched the Iku-On Project to share my own experience of raising children and the joy of music. As part of this project, I volunteer at "Iku-On Fureai Live" events, focusing especially on special needs schools. At the event, I perform picture story shows along with sing-along sessions.
Inspired by my own journey and driven by my passion for music, I continue to spread the light of hope to diverse audiences through music, such as by creating and producing the picture book music "Churaumi no Sango," which features my original compositions.